I break up with my ex. And here’s 14 reasons why you should do too..

It is not too difficult. It is a small decision that will change your life. Hints: it is more than just “ex” literally, don’t worry 🙂

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Sebuah cerita tentang waktu

Who draws the crowd and plays so loud?

source: flickr

Aku berusaha mempertahankan postur tubuh untuk tetap tegap, menempelkan punggung di kursi kerja, menjaga mata tetap terbuka, melekatkan jemari pada pulpen dan buku, mendekatkan diri pada kalkulator, dan mengerjakan soal satu demi satu.

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Would you please share the bread?

I want you to know this.

This is so important.

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Happy New Year? Hey, WAKE UP!!!!

https://flic.kr/p/cuifBm evan atwood

This happy-new-year article was written by my proud mentee, Mercu Gandhi. The main idea was inspired by the teaching of Dr. Myles Munroe. I hope you’re blessed.

Happy new year!

(uh yeah, it’s never too late to revise your goals, reflect, repent, and renew your life)

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